One Year, One Prayer

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Day 1

I decided to start this blog as a tribute of sorts for a friend. They will be embarking on a very tough one year road starting today. The only way I can think of to support them is to pray. And so I've committed myself to praying for them each day of this ordeal. They will need it.

I pray today that God gives strength, courage, peace of mind, and an attitude of success today. I know that this is a scary road, but one hurdle has already been overcome - admitting the need for help and then seeking that help. Lord, I pray that Your presence is strongly felt today and that this person has a sense of your being today of all days. I pray today that You calm any trepidation they feel. I pray that you instill in them and reinforce in them the sense that this is right. I pray that the process they will begin today has a smooth start. I pray that the loneliness is assuaged by You and I trust in You that they will be just fine. I ask these things of You for them.



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