One Year, One Prayer

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Day 114

Wise words from a wise man:

As human beings we all want to be happy and free from misery.
We have learned that the key to happiness is inner peace.
The greatest obstacles to inner peace are disturbing emotions such as
anger and attachment, fear and suspicion,
while love and compassion, a sense of universal responsibility
are the sources of peace and happiness.

Dalai Lama

Day 113

Have courage!

Go Forward With Courage

When you are in doubt, be still, and wait;
when doubt no longer exists for you, then go forward with courage.
So long as mists envelop you, be still;
be still until the sunlight pours through and dispels the mists
-- as it surely will.
Then act with courage.

Ponca Chief White Eagle (1800's to 1914)

Day 112

For you!

Native American Prayer

Oh, Great Spirit
Whose voice I hear in the winds,
And whose breath gives life to all the world,
hear me, I am small and weak,
I need your strength and wisdom.
Let me walk in beauty and make my eyes ever behold
the red and purple sunset.
Make my hands respect the things you have
made and my ears sharp to hear your voice.
Make me wise so that I may understand the things
you have taught my people.
Let me learn the lessons you have
hidden in every leaf and rock.
I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother,
but to fight my greatest enemy - myself.
Make me always ready to come to you
with clean hands and straight eyes.
So when life fades, as the fading sunset,
my Spirit may come to you without shame.

(translated by Lakota Sioux Chief Yellow Lark in 1887)
published in Native American Prayers - by the Episcopal Church.

Day 111

I know you have regrets. We all do. But forgive yourself. Move on. And learn from the past. I like this:
Don't let life slip through your fingers by living in the past or in the future. By living one day at a time you live all days of your life.

Day 110

Today I pray that you experience a miracle. I always believe miracles are God's way of reminding us that He is still very much here and to not always just float through this world taking things for granted. So may today be your miracle.

Day 109

This is from a piece called "The Best Day of My Life". I pray you treat each one of these days as precious and as the best day of your life.

Today, I'm going to celebrate what an unbelievable life I have had
so far: the accomplishments, the many blessings, and, yes, even the
hardships because they have served to make me stronger. I will go
through this day with my head held high, and a happy heart. I will
marvel at God's seemingly simple gifts: the morning dew, the sun,
the clouds, the trees, the flowers, the birds. Today, none of these
miraculous creations will escape my notice.

Day 108

I know you've seen this before, but it's such a joyful piece. And today I pray for YOUR joy.

Work like you don't need money,
Love like you've never been hurt,
And dance like no one's watching.

Day 107

I pray that as you go through this process you are cleansed for good. Here is a cleansing blessing. Use this at will when you need a reminder of the who, what, when, where, why, and how of things.

I cleanse myself of
all selfishness, resentment, critical feelings
for my fellow beings,self-condemnation
and misinterpretation of my life experiences

I bathe myself in
generosity, appreciation, praise and gratitude
for my fellow beings,self-acceptance
and enlightened understanding of my life experiences.

Day 106

I know you wonder when things will get better. Or when they're going to get better faster. I found this verse to be encouraging in times of need or distress.

Then shall your light break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up speedily; your righteousness shall go before you,
the glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard
Isaiah 58:8

Day 105

Today I pray that you have patience. Have patience with yourself. Understand that everything can happen at one time, and nor should it. Have patience with the process you have to go through and understand each step.

Day 104

I pray that you feel God's presence strongly. He has not forgotten you. He is with you now more than ever before.

I call to God, and the LORD saves me. Evening, morning and noon
I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice.
-- Psalm 55:16-17

Day 103

I found this prayer in an e-mail. I pray that it helps you or others and that you can use it as a reminder.

Give me strength, O God, to turn the other cheek and to not be
embittered. Give me courage, O God, so that I do not lose my heart or
my head when others take advantage of me by misusing my help. Give me a
generous heart, O Father, so that others can find their way back to you
because of my influence and behavior. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Day 102

Though you may feel down now and like you've failed yourself. You haven't. I pray you realize that all things happen for a reason and right now is your reason to build yourself.

Before honour is humility.
-- Proverbs 15:33

Day 101

I pray that you remember that you are never alone. As long as you remember you have the support of your family, friends, and God, you cannot and will not fail.

A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two men can stand back-to-back and conquer.

Ecclesiastes 4:12