One Year, One Prayer

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Day 18

Happy New Year's Eve. I pray that today you have time to reflect on the past year and look forward to what this new year will bring you. I pray that the dawning of a new year is also the dawning of a new you. May your day be filled with revelations and resolutions of the most important sort.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Day 17

I pray you're adjusting well. I know that's a lot to get used to all at once. I know this can't in any way be easy, but just know that I and others are praying for you. Every day. I pray that your spirit is uplifted and that when your soul is weary, know that God is most definitely watching over you, guiding you, carrying you, and protecting you.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Day 16

Today I pray for your resolve. Your resolve that you CAN do this, no matter how difficult it gets. You can make it through. I pray that you set little goals and that you reach these little goals, one by one. A series of little goals lead you to your ultimate goal. I pray that you resolve to succeed, resolve to accept each day as a new one, resolve to change how you want to change. Resolve to get better.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Day 15

Two weeks. It's been two weeks since you left. In a way, I hope those two weeks have flown by for you. Two weeks into finding you, recovering who you really are, learning how to cope. I'm proud of you. Today I pray that peace is upon you. Right now. This is the season of peace. And you deserve that. Peace within yourself. I pray that you are in a serene place in your life today. When peace and serenity abound, everything else seems to fall into place.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Day 14

Today I pray that you have opened yourself up to the possibility of fulfilling your hopes and dreams. I pray that you are regaining your faith. Not just faith as a whole, but faith in yourself and in others. Do not give up hoping for yourself. If you don't hope for you, then who will?

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Day 13

Good afternoon! Today I was sitting looking at your picture and found myself hoping that you have a confidant where you are. Someone with whom you share your burden. You don't need burdens when you need to heal. I pray that you have companionship and a readily available understanding and listening ear. I pray that the burden you carry with you is lightening as the days pass. I pray that as your burden lifts, you find yourself lighter and happier.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Day 12

Merry Christmas! I pray today is a day of true blessings for you. I know you can't be with your family and friends physically, but know that everyone is with you in spirit. May your day be filled with peace, happiness, and joy.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Day 11

Happy Christmas Eve! I pray you are settled in enough to feel at home. Hope there's something special planned. This is the season of rebirth, which is fitting, I think. I pray that you feel a sense of renewal today, a sense of a power at work higher than yourself, and I pray for happiness for you.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Day 10

I pray that this is a good start to your weekend. I pray that today was a restful day for you. I don't know what you do while you're away, but I pray that it is truly good for your soul. I pray that what is going on now is starting a healing process within you. I pray that you can feel the healing, you understand the process, and you let the good that is coming your way affect you. Blessings!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Day 9

As this week ends and the holiday season begins in earnest, I pray you take time out to reflect. Not on bad things but on the good things in life. Think of the little things and remember them. I pray that the end of this week is one of rest for you and very peaceful. Blessings to you for this weekend.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Day 8

Today, remember Job. If anyone had trials and tribulations, it was him. And yet he kept optimistic. He knew there was a reason for going through what he did. And he came out in one piece and a better person appreciative of life and what it had to offer. What you're going through now will make you whole again, as you should be, as you want to be. Today I pray that you have patience. You are in a position where right now you have all the time in the world to make things right. Patience.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Day 7

Happy Hump Day! I pray that today is a day to get over a hurdle, maybe small or large. I pray that the focus today shall be on giving one's self time to heal. As they say, Rome was not built in a day.... And healing does not happen overnight. I pray that today is better than yesterday and tomorrow is better than today. I pray things are getting, if not easier, then more streamlined. I pray that your days are filled with light, love, joy and learning. Today I wish for a feeling of freedom for you. Use this time wisely.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Day 6

Lord, I pray that you are very much a presence today. I pray that T wakes up feeling good today, feeling upbeat and optimistic. I pray that you provide patience and self-forgiveness. Things could be better, yes, but they could be worse, as well. I pray that you are a guide and a comfort today. Let today be a good day. Amen.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Day 5

Today I pray that God helps you prepare for the upcoming week. Mondays are bad enough without other variables being thrown into the mix. I pray that you wake up this morning with a lighter heart and an optimistic outlook. I pray that God helps you to mentally prepare yourself for today and every day this week. May today be the day you find one little gem to uplift your spirits.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Day 4

As you come to the end of your first weekend away, I pray that you are developing your sense of purpose and gaining in strength. It may get easier as you go, it may get harder, but I do know you have the strength and drive to make this work. I pray that today is a day of reprieve for you, a day of reflection and a day of light and of love. I'll continue praying for your growth and healing.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Day 3

I hope yesterday was better than Thursday. And I hope today is a little easier than yesterday. I pray that today you have patience with yourself, patience with the program, and patience with your entire situation. Yes it's a long road. No it won't be easy, but you can do it. I pray that you feel God's presence strongly today - He won't let you be alone - you are NOT alone. I pray that you feel His guiding hand today, that he gives you strength to fight and keep fighting until you win. And I pray that today is a bright day for you, an uplifting day, may your day be happiness and fulfillment.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Day 2

Today is the first full day in this place. I pray last night was at least an OK night - as much as could be in a situation such as this. For today, I pray that there is more settling in, lack of loneliness and getting used to adhering to what seems to be a very strict lifestyle. My prayer for you is that you realize today is the first day of the rest of your life (to borrow a cliche) and treat it accordingly. Be strong, be courageous, and it's ok to be lost.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Day 1

I decided to start this blog as a tribute of sorts for a friend. They will be embarking on a very tough one year road starting today. The only way I can think of to support them is to pray. And so I've committed myself to praying for them each day of this ordeal. They will need it.

I pray today that God gives strength, courage, peace of mind, and an attitude of success today. I know that this is a scary road, but one hurdle has already been overcome - admitting the need for help and then seeking that help. Lord, I pray that Your presence is strongly felt today and that this person has a sense of your being today of all days. I pray today that You calm any trepidation they feel. I pray that you instill in them and reinforce in them the sense that this is right. I pray that the process they will begin today has a smooth start. I pray that the loneliness is assuaged by You and I trust in You that they will be just fine. I ask these things of You for them.
